You Should Absolutely Avoid Eating These 3 Chicken Parts

Although chicken is cheap and commonly prepared in the kitchen, not all of its parts are safe to eat. It should be added that heat treatment does not always guarantee the elimination of potential parasites. What parts of the chicken should we avoid?.....Read The Full Article>>.....Read The Full Article>>

The versatility of chicken makes it a good base for soup, a second course, or even a stand-alone dish. However, not all chicken parts are equally healthy and safe to eat. Some are toxic and may contain parasites.

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Parasites hidden in chicken
While it may seem like you can add almost any part of the chicken to the broth, the reality is different. Some parts of the chicken may contain heat-resistant parasites, and even proper heat treatment does not guarantee that the dish will be safe to eat.

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Eating meat containing parasites or dishes prepared from such meat can lead to serious health consequences, such as poisoning, vomiting, abdominal pain, indigestion or diarrhea.

Which parts of chicken should we avoid due to parasites?
There are three parts of chicken that are not suitable for consumption: the head, lungs, and tail. The head of a chicken can contain many toxins, and the lungs are often a breeding ground for parasites and bacteria. A similar situation applies to the tail (rump), which is located close to the chicken’s excretory system.

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