She Slept With Her Ex-Boyfriend To Buy My Mother A Gift

When Alice and I started dating she told me about all the men in her life. “Things are hard at home,” she confessed, “So I survive on the goodwill of these men. I spend some time with them and they give me some cash in return.”......CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE>>>>>

I didn’t judge her for doing what she had to do to survive. I too had my own skeletons rattling in my closet. Unlike her, I wasn’t even doing it as a means of survival. I just loved and enjoyed the company of multiple girls. So Alice was not the only girl in my life. There were others too. That’s why I didn’t mind that she also had her men.

I didn’t open up to her about my other girls. I kept them a secret until she found out by herself. And I didn’t lie when she confronted me. “Yes, I have been cheating on you,” I admitted, “I am sorry.”

Truly, at the time I was juggling the girls, it was fun, but the allure wore off the moment she caught me. I saw how hurt she was even though she didn’t say it. And I knew there and then that I didn’t want to be the reason she experiences that kind of pain again.

I assured her I would change. “I don’t want to lose you so I am willing to do whatever it takes to correct my ways.”

She was thankful. However, she told me, “I still need these men to get through school so I can’t promise to leave them yet.” We were in our second year then.

We spoke at length and agreed that she should continue seeing her men until we complete school. “The moment we are done I will cut all of them off,” she swore. I believed her. Why wouldn’t I? She is not someone who lies.

While we were still in school, I decided to introduce her to my mother. She had to go do a few things in town first so I took the lead. When she finally met up with me, she didn’t seem quite right in my eyes.

Her face looked exhausted but she was acting hyper. She sounded too cheerful too. It was as if she was trying too hard to appear normal. “What is she trying desperately to hide ?” I asked myself as I started snooping around her bag and her phone. And you won’t believe what I found out.

The rounds she had to do in town was a rendezvous with her ex-boyfriend. She went to sleep with him for money.

“Seriously, Alice? I am going to introduce you to my mother for Christ’s sake. Why would you choose this very day to take a trip down memory lane?”

“I wanted to buy your mother a gift but I was broke. That’s why I did it,” she calmly answered.

Ah, how? It’s not as if I asked her to buy my mother a gift. We were in school. My mother didn’t expect a gift from her. Nobody would have batted an eye if she just showed up empty-handed.

I was hurt, I am not going to lie. But I didn’t want to lose her. So I told myself that her actions were birthed from a good place. Things were rough for a while but eventually, we moved past it.

Now, we are done with school and living together. She cut off all her men except one. According to her, nothing ever happened between them. She claims she has never seen him in person. I don’t care. All that matters is that their friendship makes me uncomfortable.

I have talked and talked but she won’t cut him off. “He sends me money,” she would argue, “do you know how rare it is to find a man who has never seen you before but gives you money?”

Not only does she remind me that he is a unicorn, but she also tells me that she knew him for a whole year before she met me. She shares everything about her life with him. He shares everything with her too. Two peas in a pod, that’s how close they are.

I completely lost hope that he would leave the scene when her sister who now lives with us started supporting their relationship. He calls her as much as he calls Alice. How can I compete with that?

I know relationships are not perfect but I don’t think what I have is a relationship. I am the only one doing all the work. I am the only one trying to make her happy.

Even with her sister present, I do all the chores in the house. I cook, sweep, and do mine and Alice’s laundry— including her underwear. What does she do for me in return? Nothing.

She doesn’t even let me touch her. I would have to beg and beg before she would eventually let me do it. Even those rare occasions come with special conditions.

At this point, I am beginning to feel like she is taking me for a fool. I want to leave the apartment for her and her sister but where would I go? My mother and sister warned me against cohabitating with her but I was stubborn. I thought I was in love and they didn’t understand. Now, how do I go back to them? What would I even tell them when I go back? I feel like such a disappointment. What do I do?

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