What is Bloating During Periods?

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Bloating during periods is very common among menstruating women. Have you ever wondered why this happens? Have you tried to control this bloating? It can be quite embarrassing and uncomfortable to be bloated for a few days in a row. Bloating can not only affect your food consumption but also your digestion and weight. Let’s try to understand what exactly leads to bloating during periods in some women and how they can deal with it.......CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE>>>>>

What is Bloating During Periods?

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Bloating during periods is when a woman feels heaviness in her abdomen. It can look swollen or more prominent than usual. Bloating is a common symptom of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) that affects more than half the menstruating women. Some women can feel gassy and uncomfortable soon after eating a meal.

Why do Women Bloat During Periods?

A woman’s body is constantly changing throughout her menstrual cycle. The hormone levels keep changing every week before her periods. Just before and during a woman’s periods, her sex hormones – estrogen goes up while progesterone comes down. This change in balance can cause her body to retain more water than usual.

When the body retains more water, it cannot regulate fluid levels, leading to bloating. A woman’s body also tends to retain more salt during this time, leading to more water retention. The salt and water retention continues until estrogen and progesterone return to balance after her periods.

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How to Combat Bloating in Periods

Since bloating during periods is mainly caused by the hormonal changes in the body, you cannot control it completely. However, you can try the following to reduce the water retention and discomfort in your body during those days:

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● Hydrate—Drink plenty of water and liquids to help your kidneys function properly and flush out wastes effectively. This also helps control overindulging in cravings during periods.

● Reduce Sodium—Salt contains a lot of sodium. Refined carbs can lead to sugar spikes, triggering the kidneys to retain more sodium. Sodium can lead to water retention in the body, thus causing bloating. Reducing salt and refined carbs can help control bloat.

● Increase Potassium—Potassium can help balance sodium levels and combat bloating to some extent. Consume dark leafy greens, sweet potatoes, bananas, avocados, and tomatoes, which are rich in potassium.

● Avoid Gassy Foods—Beans, cruciferous vegetables, spicy foods, and fried foods can cause gas. Reducing your consumption of these foods can help.

● Move More—Yes, it can be very difficult for many women to be physically active or exercise just before and during periods. Mild exercise can help improve digestion and keep the stomach gases moving, thus reducing bloating. Regular exercise can also help reduce PMS symptoms.

● Relax—Hormonal changes during periods can cause stress, which can interfere with digestion. Practice meditation or yoga to help you relax. You can also engage in hobbies and activities that can help you relax.

● Smaller Meals—Eating smaller and more frequent meals instead of three large meals can make it easier for your body to digest food. This will also reduce the gas produced in the digestive tract, thus reducing the bloat.

● Yoga—Deep squats or Malasana, child’s pose, and sphinx pose can help move gas out of the digestive system and reduce bloat.

Other Side Effects of Periods

Bloating is not the only symptom menstruating women suffer from. A few other PMS symptoms many women experience are:

● Cramps

● Tiredness

● Mood swings

● Food cravings

● Acne

● Body aches

● Swollen or tender breasts

Do You Need a Doctor?

Bloating during periods is very common and will resolve once your periods are over. If it does not go away even after your periods, you should consult your doctor. Bloating is a common symptom of various other ailments and is one of the first warning signs your body reveals.

If your bloating during periods causes too much discomfort or is painful enough to interfere with your regular routine, consult your doctor. Your doctor may also prescribe some medications or diuretics to help reduce the bloating or discomfort.


Bloating during periods is a very uncomfortable yet common symptom of periods many women experience. Making a few changes in your diet and lifestyle may help reduce the severity of the bloating.

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