Top 5 Skincare Myths You Should Stop Believing


Bad skin care advice is spreading now more than ever. We have readily available information on all our skincare-related questions, which can be helpful, but at the same time, it gives room for a lot of misinformation.......CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE>>>>>

It takes time to understand that not every skin care tip is actually helpful. The first step towards making sure you don’t end up ruining your skin or wasting your time is being aware of the wrong information we’ve been led to believe for years.

Below you will find some of the most common debunked skincare myths you should already know by now:

Drinking water hydrates your skin

Drinking water has always been an essential part of our survival because we need it for basically all body functions. There is also no doubt that drinking water has a positive effect on our skin as well. However, there is no direct link between drinking water and having hydrated skin.

In a way, we sometimes imagine that every sip is directly flowing into our skin, which then keeps it hydrated but that is a myth. Water is essential and it improves your overall appearance but not exactly in terms of direct hydration.

Natural skincare is always better

There are so many videos that teach you how to make scrubs, masks and washes right at home. Many of those are great and they actually work but, don’t believe that all of them are good for you.

Just because something is natural doesn’t mean it can’t cause irritation or irreversible damage. This also means that not all products containing chemicals are harmful.

The bottom line is, you should be careful when choosing DIY remedies. Also, it helps to be aware of the harmful chemicals to avoid and the ones that are safe or beneficial.

You can never over-exfoliate

Exfoliating has many benefits but overdoing it will damage your skin. Some people still believe that exfoliating every day is the secret to having glowing skin and that is a myth that has already been debunked.

When you overdo it, you’re compromising your skin’s protective barrier. So, you don’t need to exfoliate every single day or too often and actually, facial exfoliation might not even be necessary for everyone.

Expensive products are superior

Sometimes we feel the pressure to buy tools and products that we assume are more effective because of the price tag. There are definitely many expensive products that are better quality than cheaper alternatives but that is not always the case.

You can still achieve healthy, glowing skin with very simple, inexpensive products. The secret is to understand what ingredients to look for and what your skin needs.

Acne is caused by poor hygiene

For a long time, some people also believed, and still believe, that acne is a hygiene problem. Acne is actually caused by hormonal changes or genetics and not by poor hygiene.

This myth has caused people who have acne-prone skin to feel stigmatised or to even obsessively wash their face, which can even irritate their skin more.
