This Is Just the Beginning – What Comes Next Will Shake the World


We are standing at the edge of something bigger than we can see. People sense it in their hearts. They feel it in the air. Things are not normal, no matter how much the world tries to pretend otherwise. And let me tell you straight—this is just the beginning. What’s coming next will shake the world in ways most people aren’t ready for. But God’s Word already told us. It’s not a mystery to those who read the Bible with open eyes and ears.......CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE>>>>>

Let’s not play church anymore. This is the time to wake up. The distractions, the constant rush, the noise of the world—they’re all part of a system designed to keep people asleep. Satan doesn’t need you to worship him openly. He just needs you too busy, too tired, too comfortable to care. But Jesus didn’t call us to comfort. He called us to carry a cross. That cross is heavy. It costs something. But it leads to life.

Right now, the world is shaking lightly—just enough to rattle your peace if it’s built on the wrong foundation. Earthquakes, strange weather, economic collapse, wars, famines, plagues. These aren’t random. These are birth pains. Jesus said in Matthew 24:6-8, “And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars… see that ye be not troubled… For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.” Did you catch that? The beginning. So if you think things are already bad, brace yourself. There’s more coming.

Most churches are not warning people. They’re focused on blessings, not battle. They want to grow numbers, not disciples. But Jesus is coming back, and He’s not returning for a lukewarm crowd. “So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth” (Revelation 3:16). That’s serious. He doesn’t want a part-time relationship. He wants all of you. He wants your time, your mind, your hands, your voice. Not just your Sunday morning smile.

Here’s what you need to understand. The systems of this world are already preparing for the Antichrist. One world government. One world currency. One world religion. It’s not in the future—it’s unfolding right now. Quietly. Through technology, policies, crises, and deception. People are being trained to obey without question. They’re being conditioned to accept whatever is placed in front of them as long as it’s convenient. And when the real control system falls into place, most will go along with it without resistance.

The Bible says in Revelation 13:16-17, “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark… and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark.” That means your survival will be tied to your submission. If you want to eat, if you want to live in the system, you’ll have to bow. And many will. Not because they hate God, but because they never really knew Him. They were never prepared to suffer for the truth. They thought Christianity was just about being blessed, not being bold.

Let’s get real. You can’t survive what’s coming with shallow faith. The days ahead will demand more than a motivational quote and a church sticker on your car. You’ll need deep roots. You’ll need to know the voice of God for yourself. You’ll need to be filled with the Holy Ghost, walking in power, walking in obedience, walking in love but also walking in truth, even when it costs you everything.

The shaking that’s coming will affect every area of life. Economies will crash. Governments will collapse. Food supplies will dry up. People will turn on each other. Even nature will rebel. But none of this should surprise us. Romans 8:22 says, “For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.” Creation itself is groaning, crying out for redemption. Everything around us is shouting, “Get ready! Time is short!”

But many won’t listen. They’ll laugh. They’ll say people like us are extreme, too spiritual, too serious. That’s fine. Noah was mocked too—until the rain started falling. Then the door of the ark was closed, and it was too late to get in. We’re living in the same kind of days. Jesus even said it: “But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be” (Matthew 24:37). People will be eating, drinking, marrying, working, living their lives without a care, completely unprepared for the storm coming right at them.

But you don’t have to be caught off guard. God is speaking to those who are listening. He’s calling us back to holiness, back to truth, back to the Word, back to prayer. The comfortable Christianity is over. This is the time to stand up, speak up, and live bold for Christ. You may lose friends. You may be rejected. You may be hated. But if you remain faithful, you will be rewarded.

This life is not all there is. Eternity is real. Heaven is real. Hell is real. And your choices now matter forever. God is not looking for people who say they believe. He’s looking for those who live like they do. If your faith has no cost, it may not be faith at all. The early church faced lions, prison, beatings, death—and they refused to deny Jesus. What excuse do we have when we’re too shy to even mention His name on social media?

Let’s be clear: there will be a remnant. A small group of people who refuse to bow. Who hold on to the Word. Who keep their garments white. Who suffer now but will reign later. They are not perfect, but they are surrendered. They walk in the Spirit. They stay ready. They live with eternity in mind. These are the ones Jesus will return for. Not the crowd. Not the casual. But the committed.

So if you’re feeling the pressure right now, if you’re feeling like everything is being shaken in your life—don’t be discouraged. God is allowing the shaking to remove what can’t last so He can strengthen what will. He’s calling you higher. He’s calling you deeper. He’s separating you from the noise so you can hear His voice more clearly.

This is the time to repent. To forgive. To fast. To pray. To preach. To prepare. Not just physically but spiritually. Store up the Word in your heart. Learn to worship even when it’s hard. Teach your children. Speak truth in your home. Fill your house with the presence of God, not just the entertainment of the world.

Because this is just the beginning. The storm is coming. But the Rock still stands. And those who build their lives on Jesus Christ will not be moved. He said in Matthew 7:24-25, “Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them… the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.”

That’s the promise. If you stay rooted in Him, you’ll endure. Even if the world falls apart around you. Even if people walk away. Even if persecution comes. Even if everything you trusted collapses. God is faithful. He will keep you. He will strengthen you. He will guide you through the fire and not let you burn.

Don’t wait for things to get worse before you get serious. This is your warning. This is your moment. Don’t harden your heart. Don’t waste your time chasing things that won’t matter in eternity. Set your eyes on Jesus. He is coming. And His reward is with Him.

Let the world shake. Let the systems fall. Let the enemy rage. Because when everything else is stripped away, only one thing will matter—do you belong to Jesus? Not did you go to church. Not did you post Bible verses. But did you live for Him? Did you obey Him? Did you walk with Him?

The time is now. Get right. Stay ready. And never look back.

Because this is just the beginning… and what comes next will shake the world.

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