Signs To Show That A lady Is Crushing On You But Can not Tell you


It’s a common scenario: someone has a crush but, for various reasons, can’t bring themselves to express it. When it’s a woman harboring these feelings, certain signs often emerge. Here’s a breakdown of some key indicators:......CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE>>>>>

Body Language and Behavioral Cues:

Increased Eye Contact:

She might hold your gaze a little longer than usual, or you might catch her glancing at you frequently, especially when she thinks you’re not looking.

Physical Proximity:

She might find excuses to be near you, positioning herself close in group settings or lingering when you’re alone.

Nervous Fidgeting:

Look for signs of nervousness when you’re around, such as fidgeting with her hair, clothes, or jewelry. Blushing or an increased heart rate are also tell-tale signs.

Changes in Demeanor:

She might become unusually shy or giggly in your presence, or conversely, she might try to act overly casual to hide her feelings.


If she is mirroring your body language, that is a strong indicator. For example, if you cross your legs, and then she crosses her legs.

Social Interactions:

Increased Communication:

She might initiate conversations, find excuses to message you, or show a keen interest in your life and hobbies.

Heightened Interest in Your Life:

She might remember small details about you, ask about your plans, or show genuine concern for your well-being.

Teasing and Playful Banter:

Playful teasing or lighthearted jokes can be a way of creating a connection and gauging your reaction.

Seeking Your Opinion:

If she is constantly asking for your opinion, on many different topics, that is a sign she values your input.

Social Media Activity:

Increased activity on your social media, such as liking your posts, commenting, or viewing your stories, can also be a sign.

Subtle Hints:


She might offer subtle compliments about your personality, sense of humor, or other qualities.

Finding Common Ground:

She might emphasize shared interests or values, seeking to create a sense of connection.

Questions about your relationship status:

She may ask casual questions about your dating life, or who you are currently seeing.

It’s important to remember that these signs can vary from person to person, and some women are naturally shy. However, if you notice a combination of these behaviors, it’s a strong indication that she might have a crush on you.


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