No Man Has Ever Proposed To Me In My Life

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I am a twenty-six-year-old woman. I wouldn’t describe myself as ugly. At least, that’s not what my mirror tells me. I look well. I dress well. I speak well. My friends have told me I have a pleasant personality. Per what I was taught growing up, I am the kind of woman a man would want to marry.......CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE>>>>>

Yet I have never been approached by a man in my entire life. I am not trying to say that no man has ever asked to marry me. No, that’s too far a reach. There are things almost every woman I know has heard so many times from men but I have never heard them.

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“I like you.”

“I have a crush on you.”

“I want to get to know you.”

“Will you be my girlfriend?”

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“I want to marry you.”

Not even, “Can we be friends?”

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The only men in my life are the men I am related to. I have never had a man try or ask me to be their friend. They don’t talk to me. They don’t see me. This may sound crazy but I am convinced I am invisible to men.

Needless to say, I have never been in a relationship because of these experiences, or better put, lack of experiences with men.

Growing up, I never thought this would be my life. I always thought I would even marry young. That’s the interpretation I gave some dreams I had when I was a child.

I can’t recall all the details of the dreams but I know I had the same dream three times. Each time, I was getting married. All three times. I thought it meant I would get married someday. But now I am beginning to think I was so wrong.

Another strange thing that has been happening to me for as long as I can remember is that I keep walking into cobwebs. It happens randomly. I could just be walking, and suddenly, I feel cobwebs on my face and body. Sometimes, I go for a while without experiencing it. But it always starts again.

I know people have spiritual meanings for cobwebs but I don’t have any. I wish I could get some answers as to why I keep walking into cobwebs.

Apart from that, I am always getting sick. I have run all forms of medical tests. The results always come out clean. Doctors never find anything wrong with me. But my body rarely feels whole.

In my dreams, I sometimes see myself living a good life, but in reality, my life is a complete mess. I dream a lot, that much has been established. I just wish they weren’t so terrifying. I am either running from or fighting with strange things.

At one point, I even prayed never to dream again, and for a while, the dreams stopped. Nonetheless, they returned. And they are even more scarier.

Lately, they’ve been about death. I see dead people; deceased loved ones, acquaintances, and people I barely knew. I also see coffins. I don’t know what it all means. I would be thankful to anyone who understands and interprets it to me. Maybe the knowledge will help me make sense of my life.

My life is just a series of troubles and disappointments. No matter how much I ask for help, I never receive it. Even when people promise to help, they never stick to their word.

Everything that seems to work smoothly for others turns into a struggle for me. Whenever I try to do something my peers are succeeding at, it only brings me pain, financial loss, and endless difficulties.

I am barely surviving. I started school late because of these struggles. At my age, I am now in my fourth year, fighting hard to make it through. I am praying hard that I triumph. That’s why I need to understand if I am fighting a spiritual battle. So I can help myself before things get worse for me.

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