Kay is friends with my brother’s friend. One day, they came looking for my brother but they met me instead. I didn’t pay much attention to him. I could have gone the rest of my life without giving him a thought. But it was not supposed to be so.......CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE>>>>>
A month after we met I received a text from an unknown number. “Hello, my name is Kay,” he introduced himself, “we came looking for your brother but he wasn’t home. Do you remember me?” I said I did.
“That day I wanted to talk to you but I was shy. I want to get to know you. Is that okay?” I said yes. Our conversations flowed from there.
After a few days, he told me he was interested in me. He wanted me to be his girlfriend. I remember asking him if he was married. He said he was divorced with two children. “The marriage ended a year ago.”
He sounded so sincere that I believed him and decided to give him a chance.
Being with him made me happy. He was everything I wanted but never experienced in my past relationships; caring, generous, kind, and loving. We talked and texted every day, and before I knew it, I had started imagining a future with him as my husband.
The first time I visited him, I was curious. I wanted to know everything I could about him before I would commit my heart further. I looked around the room carefully but saw no sign of another woman.
When he stepped out to buy something, I even looked through his stuff but everything seemed normal. This gave me the security to relax and enjoy the moment.
Our relationship was blissful. We never argued. I don’t have many friends so he became my best friend, and gossip partner. In fact he was my everything.
In our fourth month, I received a text from him while I was at work. The message was simple yet dreadful. “We need to talk.”
I called him as soon as I was done. He told me his ex-wife’s uncle, who lives abroad, had returned to Ghana. “He wants to meet us so we can talk and work on the marriage.”
He said he wasn’t interested in working out things with her. “That’s why I want you to get pregnant for me.” That way he would tell them he got another woman pregnant.
There was no way I was going to let myself get pregnant out of wedlock, he knew that. We argued about it until I gave him an ultimatum.
“You either want her or not. You don’t need me to be pregnant to stop you from getting back together with her. So make up your mind to go be with her or stay with me.”
He attended the supposed meeting in December last year. He stayed there for a week, under the guise of spending time with his kids.
We talked and texted every day while he was there, so I never suspected anything. When he came back nothing changed. He was still the man I knew.
Then last month, he told me he had another meeting with his ex-wife’s family. This time, he would be going with his mother to finalize everything. I told him to man up and tell me the outcome so I’d know whether to stay or leave. “I don’t want to date a married man.” He nodded and assured me he understood.
Last Friday was the day of the meeting. Before he left, he called me. An hour later, I called to check in. He answered, and told me where he had reached. But when I tried his number again after another hour, his phone was off. I kept calling and texting, ridden with anxiety. “Is he okay?” “Did something happen on the way?”
Oh, he was perfectly fine. He just happened to block me because he was with his wife and kids. Early the next morning, I received a text from an unknown number. “Hello, my name is Naomi. I am Kay’s wife,” she introduced herself.
She went through his phone while he was sleeping and found our chats so she decided to reach out. At that very moment, I got a message from Kay saying an unknown number was going to text me. “Don’t respond. Just block the person.”
That only made me more curious.
So I texted the number back. And that’s when I found out the truth.
According to his wife, they never had any issues. There was no uncle, no meetings, no separation. They were all lies.
A few minutes later, Kay texted me again. This time around he confessed everything. “I am sorry that I have been lying to you. She and I have never been apart.”
I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. The craziest part is that he still wants me to stay. He claims he wants me to be his second wife. Can you imagine the audacity?
I’ve blocked him. I’ve blocked his wife too. I am done. Done with love. F***king done with relationships. I am in tears as I write this.
Kay, I leave you in the hands of karma.