I Married A Woman Who Was Already Married To Her Mother

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I married Akua five years ago. Before the marriage, there were signs that her mother was trying to sabotage us. My mind wasn’t working that way so I ignored the red flags, or I just didn’t see them for what they were. Now that I am looking back, I should have taken them seriously.......CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE>>>>>

As part of our wedding preparations, I bought kente cloth for my mother-in-law to be presented to her on the wedding day. Somehow, she found out in advance and told her elder daughter that if she didn’t receive new kente before the wedding, she wouldn’t attend the ceremony. This is her own daughter’s wedding we are talking about. Mind you, I had already gifted her kente on Mother’s Day of that year. Would it have been a bad thing if she wore that one to celebrate our marriage?

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While we were still making preparations, Akua informed this same mother of hers that I was planning to officially come and seek her hand in marriage. “Don’t tell anyone else in the family yet. We will have some discussions about food preparations. When we agree on how to go about things, then we’ll tell everyone.”

Thirty minutes after having that conversation with her mother, extended family members began calling Akua, saying, “Your mother says you are about to get married.”

My woman got upset. Her mother also got angry when Akua asked her why she didn’t keep the news to herself. This created a serious conflict between the two women. I had to kneel before my mother-in-law and beg her before she agreed to forgive her own daughter.

Despite all these twists and turns, the wedding proceeded as planned. However, many unpleasant things happened during the ceremony. We just had to brush aside most of it and carry on.

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A few hours after the wedding, Akua’s uncle called and requested our presence at his house. We rushed there thinking something tragic had happened.

When we got there, my wife’s mother, along with her siblings, were present. Everyone looked so serious. I only had to hope and pray that all was well.

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According to Akua’s uncle, my mother-in-law had spent all her capital hiring mattresses for some visitors who travelled from afar for the celebrations. “She wants you to refund her money right now.”

It wasn’t even true. She didn’t rent mattresses for anyone. And she certainly didn’t spend money on anything concerning the wedding. Nonetheless, I paid her the amount she quoted. I did it for the sake of peace. Still, I had no peace in that marriage.

After we settled into the marriage, everything in my life began to fall apart. It started small. My businesses slowed down. I tried all I could to keep them afloat but after a while, they started collapsing. I found myself buried in debt before I knew just how low I was sinking.

Through all this, my wife didn’t have a job. I tried to set her up but it didn’t work out. Any business I started for her brought me losses. Every single business I invested in.

It got to a point where I was down to nothing. I had to borrow money from family and friends just to feed myself and my wife.

Out of frustration, I sought spiritual help. That was when it was revealed to me that I was under spiritual attack because of the woman I married. “Her mother is already married to her spiritually. That’s why she is fighting you and your marriage,” the fetish priest told me.

I consulted a prophet too. He said exactly what the priest said. According to him, my mother-in-law’s spiritual marriage to her daughter was the reason behind my financial ruin.

It happened that during prayers one day, my wife fell into a trance. She said things that confirmed what the two spiritualists already said. She talked about her spiritual marriage to her mother, and the destruction of my businesses.

That day she almost went mad. She was behaving abnormally. I called her sisters and we took her to a prophet. Over there, she kept repeating the stuff about the spiritual attacks. The prophet confirmed it was true. And to my shock, her sisters also agreed.

There were many strange incidents that happened during that marriage. I wish I could share them but our friends and family follow this page so they will know.

As much as I loved my wife, the weapon fashioned against us was quite determined to drive us apart. In the end, the marriage didn’t work. It collapsed within three years. The woman won and I Iost.

I am sharing this story because of the young man whose mother-in-law is saying she won’t show up for their wedding because she didn’t like the kente they gave her. Based on my experience, I will advise you to postpone the wedding. Seek deep spiritual counselling about the woman and the family you are marrying into. Finally, observe the mother-in-law’s behaviour very carefully. Some battles go beyond the physical.

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