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Foods You Should Avoid If Your Blood Group Is O Positive Or O Negative

Blood group O is called social because it can donate blood to other blood groups; when people with type O blood are on a diet, certain foods should be avoided......CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE>>>>>

This effect can cause weight loss diets to fail because the list of contraindicated foods for blood type O actually makes them fat.

The term ‘blood type diet’ was coined many years ago by Dr Peter J. D’Adamo. Although it has been criticised by many for not having sufficient scientific evidence, most people follow the diet as recommended in the book and have no health problems.

See WebMD’s list of foods that people with type O blood should not eat.

Foods containing carbohydrates:

Compared to other blood types, type O blood actually contains the most suitable foods for type O. Type O is a ‘hunter-gatherer’ who eats a wide variety of foods.

Since time immemorial, this group of hunters has enjoyed all the fruits of the hunt. From vegetables, fruit, meat and carbohydrates. However, a low-carbohydrate diet is recommended for people with blood type O.

This is due to the blood type’s digestive system, which digests meat fibres more easily than carbohydrates. Foods containing carbohydrates, such as bread, can cause obesity in blood group O. It is therefore recommended to limit carbohydrate intake in order to control weight.

Avoid certain types of fish foods:

Fish to avoid include catfish, caviar, squid, barracuda and mussels; as blood type O has an unstable thyroid gland, eating more fish from the above list should be avoided to ensure normal thyroid function and to avoid health problems.

Spinach, cabbage and aubergines:

Spinach, cabbage, aubergines, potatoes, kale and mushrooms can cause health problems for blood group O. These vegetables can trigger several illnesses, including thyroid disease, blood clots and digestive problems.

Blood type O should avoid eating foods high in lectins, such as corn. For this blood group, lectins can inhibit insulin production. As a result, glucose in the blood is not adequately processed and accumulates.

Reduce the amount of dairy products:

Just a little bit is still okay, advises Dr Dallamo. Dairy products such as butter, goat cheese and mozzarella cheese can cause health problems in people with type O blood.

What sweets can O blood types eat?

Doctors who have introduced the blood type diet suggest that blood type O should avoid sweets containing refined sugar, fruit extracts, melons and kiwi fruit. Choose other vegetables and fruits as snacks. You can also eat nuts and avoid foods containing gluten.

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