Can I Date Her Daughter After Being with Her Mom for Nearly a Year?

The woman I’m currently dating is 58 years old. I’m twenty-nine. I met her through her daughter, who needed a driver for her mom. I’d been between jobs for a while and had nothing to do, so I asked her to give me the job. She took me home to meet her mom. The woman asked how long I’d been driving. I told her two years. She chuckled. She told me she wasn’t looking for a driver who would kill her too soon. I was too inexperienced to be her driver.......CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE>>>>>
I left her home disappointed, but days later, I received a call. She said, “This is Maa Sophia, the woman who needed a driver.” I was happy to hear from her because I thought I was going to be her driver. Little did I know she needed me to drive her and not her car. She invited me home, and I went. We had a conversation about driving. She said she wanted to see how well I could do it. I drove her out that day.
She called again days later. It was evening. She said she needed to meet a friend. I drove her to a bar at a beach, and no one came to meet her. We sat there by ourselves and talked until the night grew old. She told me, “I like you as a person and want you around more often than I see you. Can you promise to be that friend?”
“A friend? Why not?”
Weeks later, we were more than friends. I’d spent the night with her twice in a week, and she had given me a handsome reward for it. She said, “Nobody can know about us. When we are out, I’m your mom. Call me mom. Act like how a son does, but when we are inside, be the man, and I’ll be your girl.”
We’ve been doing this for almost a year, and no one knows. Because of her, I think differently about older women. I remember telling myself that when she leaves me, I’ll find another older woman to date. I can feel her soul when we touch. She smells powdery in the evening, but deep in the night, when we’ve been sweaty, she smells like an old library with old books. Every flip of a page exudes the fragrance of a book that hasn’t been opened in ages. I love books. I read a lot. Currently, she’s my favorite book.
But I think about my life and future, and I get a little scared. I need a better job than driving an older woman around. I need a woman I can show to the world as the one. I will settle down at some point because I love being a family man. I can’t do all these things with Maa Sophia, and I don’t even know when or how long we can go on with this. Through the haze of my confusion and my need to find a woman, Maa Sophia’s daughter came along.
You remember the lady who first introduced me to Maa Sophia? Yeah. She has been around. She works in a different town. She has been the closest to her mom since their dad died three years ago. When I started driving her mom, she was happy, though she didn’t know the details of my job.
The fact that her mom speaks highly of me makes her comfortable around me. She would call and ask about her mom if I noticed any form of worry in her demeanor. She would tell me her mom is a stubborn woman, so I should be patient when dealing with her. It was all about her mom until it wasn’t about her anymore but about us.
She had come to see me once. She had invited me to her place, and I’ve been there twice. I saw it coming, and I didn’t do much to stop it until we got to this place where she could openly act on her feelings toward me. She didn’t say a word about her feelings. She made it obvious. She had tried to get me a job, and while at it, she said, “That way, the future would be good for us.”
Us? Since when was there an us?
But I still went to her place to see her for the second time, and we kissed. After the kiss, she asked me, “So what do you say? Are we more than who we were a few minutes ago?” I wanted it. She wanted the whole thing to go all the way, but while I wanted to do it, I had her mom in my head. Her voice played out. Her library fragrance unfurled. I knew it would be a cultural taboo to have both a daughter and her mom, so I resisted my urge and told her, “Next time.”
It’s been an emotional battle since then. I know I can’t win in the end, but the issue is how to make the best out of the situation. I can leave her mom and go away for a while, but I don’t have a job that will sustain me if I leave. I can leave and start something with the daughter and maybe benefit from it, but I don’t want things to get messy.
I’m the one suffering the emotional backlash because Maa Sophia doesn’t know what’s going on with her daughter, and her daughter doesn’t know what’s going on with her mom. I’m the only one burdened with that knowledge. Last night, I was with Maa Sophia. I told her a new job was coming my way. She told me that wouldn’t end what we have because I’ve become part of her world.
I laughed in my head. I said, “This is going to be a long ride.” But see, I will leave and not come back when the time is right, but the only question that keeps running in my head is, how long can I stay away that will make her agree for me to be with her daughter? Maybe, I have to pray for her not to exist when the time comes. That will be the only way this can work, but I don’t wish her dead. I only wish this cup would pass me by.