All The Drama Began When I Kissed My Best Friend’s Girlfriend.


I am a twenty-year-old guy who lives in a three-bedroom apartment with two of my friends. We are quite close. Although I don’t like to drink or smoke like my friends, I go out with them to have fun whenever the mood calls for it. One of the guys started seeing a lady but hadn’t brought her home yet. He spoke about her often so we were all eager to meet her.......CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE>>>>>

During one of our nightouts, he decided to bring her along so we could finally meet the face behind the name, Ava. I noticed that she was indeed as beautiful as Brett described. We all exchanged pleasantries with her and carried on with our night of fun. We were all sitting at one table but my other friend and I stuck together and left Brett to have his time with his girl.

While we were doing our own thing, I realized that she was looking at me. I did not give her my attention when it first started. However, she kept doing it. She would stare at me when I was not looking and continue to look at me when I turned to watch her. This made me feel someway. So I asked her, “Do you want to get out of here and talk? It’s noisy in here.”  She smiled and gladly accepted the invitation.

When we stepped away from the noise I asked her, “Why do you keep staring at me? Is it that you know me from somewhere or I look like someone you know?” She smiled, shook her head, and said, “No, I don’t know you. You are just so handsome and cute that I couldn’t take my eyes off you.” I was surprised but I complimented her that she is beautiful too.

The next thing I knew, we were entangled in a passionate kiss. As I said, I don’t drink so I couldn’t have said it was a drunken mistake. I just felt so drawn to her in a way I could not resist. So even after we joined the other two members of our party, Ava and I found ourselves in the washroom kissing. We did other stuff too.

At the end of the day, the girl followed us home. She was in Brett’s company but her body language and mine gave us away to my other friend. He caught a lingering stare between us and warned me to stay away from Brett’s girlfriend. I laughed and told him I would stay away.

Later, my friend also found out that something had gone on between me and his girl but he couldn’t ask me. Maybe his silence only empowered my ambition. I honestly didn’t set out to come between them but Ava and I exchanged contacts before she left our place the next day. That was the beginning of our secret relationship.

All the lying and sneaking became too much for Ava and I to handle so in the end, she chose me over Brett. This hurt my friend’s feelings. He didn’t want to accept that he had lost his girlfriend to me. He was not ready to give up on his love.

When he couldn’t convince Ava to choose him, he started telling all our friends that I snatched his girlfriend. When that didn’t yield any results, he fought with me. It was after the fight that I realized the extent of my betrayal. Among all my friends, he is the one I am closest to so how could I have done this to him?

I apologized for my actions and he forgave me. Then I broke up with the girl. She understood why we couldn’t see each other anymore. With her out of the picture, my friendship with Brett has been restored. We are best buddies again.

My problem now is that I got into a fight with one of my friends. He was the one who instigated the fight even though I didn’t do anything to him. I asked what his problem was and he said, “I heard what you did to Brett. That was so not cool of you bro.” I understand what I did was wrong. I was just caught up in the moment but I have sobered up. I regret my shortcomings. I made my peace with the other two people involved in this issue; Brett and Ava.

However, I believe all my friends will see me differently going forward. For instance, the guy who fought with me unprovoked. We were supposed to go somewhere together but all along he was planning to fight with me. I don’t want this to become my life. I can’t be going about looking over my shoulder wondering which of my friends is going to fight with me next. Do I have to make amends with all of them even though Brett has forgiven me? If so, how do I go about it? I need your advice, please.

He Started Having Second Thoughts About Us After His Encounter With My Ex
