The Month You Were Born Reveals A Lot About Your Relationship With Your Family, Says A Numerologist

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According to numerology, your birth month, just like your birthdate, is like a fingerprint. Once you understand how the universe is connected through mathematical equations it becomes clear that when you were born can tell you a lot about who you are as a person.......CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE>>>>>

Numerologist Maria Letai recently shared on TikTok that your birth month can offer valuable information regarding your relationship with your family and can even help you learn how to get along with everyone better.

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The month you were born can reveal key aspects of your family relationships:

If you were born in January, you might have conflicts with your siblings, explained Letai. Siblings may both easily offend one another and compete with each other.

Here’s the thing about sibling conflict: It’s totally normal and expected. In fact, it’s a natural part of childhood development.

If you are a January baby who got into a tussle or two with your brothers and sisters, you are likely very secure in who you are as a person and comfortable with your unique identity. It’s a concept researchers in 2007 dubbed “differentiation.”

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So, yes. If you were born in January, you might bicker more with your bros, but the great thing is, you can step back and realize that it’s only because you are so comfortable differentiating yourself from the people nearest and dearest to you.


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According to Letai, being born in February means you probably spent a lot of time with your grandparents while growing up, and you have a natural connection with them. She also stressed that because of this connection in your youth, you enjoy the company of people older than you and appreciate their stories and insight.

Writing for Psychology Today, Vanessa LoBue, Ph.D., a professor of psychology at Rutgers University-Newark specializing in infant and child development, explained that grandparents play a pivotal role in the family, especially if they have a good relationship with their kids and grandkids.

LoBue from Psychology suggested that the most advantageous way to raise children is by surrounding them with a system of caregivers like grandparents. She stressed that “adult grandchildren who have a close relationship with their grandparents are less likely to have symptoms of depression than adults who don’t have this kind of relationship.” The benefits reflect back on grandparents as well.


According to Letai, if you were born in March, your mom was either closely watching your every move or not paying much attention at all. As sweeping as that statement was, there’s a wealth of knowledge hidden within.

Your relationship with your mother plays a crucial role in your well-being. A 2024 study found that mothers who were conscientious, agreeable, and open raised emotionally healthy children.

The research did not indicate that a mom who allowed her child more independence or a mother who was more strict was better. Basically, it’s not how you were raised but how you were treated by your mom that matters.


Being born in April may suggest a unique dynamic with your father, according to Letai. She stressed that it’s important to work on becoming friends with your father because April babies have the ability to bond in such a way with their dads that they can help them navigate life and make good decisions as they age.

Much like the bond between a mother and child, research indicates that a strong father-child relationship can have significant effects, particularly in reducing stress for children, especially sons, as they grow older.


Similar to March, if you’re born in May, you might experience periods of distance or coldness with your mother, leading to occasional conflicts.

According to Letai, however, that conflict could simply be because she relies on you for help. She stressed that your mom may make “frequent mistakes,” and you’ll often find yourself in the position of helping her navigate and resolve them.

What that actually means is that as you have transitioned into an adult, your relationship with your mom has also transitioned. She seeks your wisdom and guidance because she trusts you.


If you’re born in June, your parents may have gone through separation or faced conflicts, potentially involving infidelity.

Infidelity can have a profound effect on children. If you’re not fortunate enough to escape its impact, you might experience a range of emotions such as shock, confusion, anger, sadness, shame, or a mix of all these feelings.

As EvolveTherapy noted, children who have lived through parental infidelity or the dissolution of a marriage may have trust issues if the issues aren’t discussed. If they are, however, these June babies might actually have a leg up in terms of understanding relationship dynamics, communication, and conflict resolution.


A birthday in July may mean you’ve lost touch with extended family or distant relatives. According to Letai, your broken relationship may have occurred for a variety of reasons, including simply being forced to move far away.

The best way to reconnect is simply making an effort to reach out, however. According to Tony Robbins, reconnecting with family is no different from reconnecting with any other relationship that has been lost to time and distance. It requires a willingness to reach out and the vulnerability to communicate with honesty.


According to Letai, if you were born in August, you may have experienced conflicts within your family, with some relatives opposing your parents’ relationship.

Of course, no one is immune to familial intervention when it comes to love and marriage, even an August baby’s parents. There’s a reason why the monster mother-in-law trope is so popular in media. In-laws can meddle!

For kids in the middle of in-law and extended family drama, these issues can be disruptive because children are the products of both sides of the family, and that means they want everyone to get along.

Times are changing, however, and a survey from 2021 reported on by BBC found that 51% of daughters-in-law are satisfied or very satisfied with their relationship with their mother-in-law, and three-quarters of mothers-in-law are satisfied or very satisfied with their relationship with their daughter-in-law.

Chances are this directly correlates with kids born in August who grew up feeling like they had to choose between sides of the family when they didn’t want to. August babies, you had to suffer with family drama as kids, but you likely decided that you wanted more for your own kids and made a concerted effort to keep both sides of the family close.


Letai said, “If you’re born in September, you’re a highly talented person who knows exactly [what you] want to do and where you [want to] work.”

She added, “Your parents had a different vision for your future and tried to steer you towards another career, but I hope you stood your ground and followed your own path.”

Strong-willed kids often have strong-willed parents. That means it doesn’t really matter that your parents might have had a different vision for your future because they taught their September kids to be true to themselves. That means no matter what anyone says, you will blaze your own path through life with no regrets.


October babies, Letai suggested that your ancestors may have mismanaged the family finances, leaving little wealth for you and future generations.

As a result, you’ll need to work hard to achieve your own financial success. However, building financial prosperity is certainly within your reach.

And really, born in October or not, everyone is struggling in our current economic climate. That being said, having the knowledge that you may struggle more than your peers could give you a leg up in the savings game. Educate yourself, avoid unnecessary credit card use, and monitor your monthly expenses, and you might actually be able to turn your inherited money woes into winnings.


According to Letai, anyone born in November might have experienced a competitive relationship with some family members, possibly with someone of the same gender.

While it may have been unpleasant at the time, that competitive spirit likely pushed you to excel in other aspects of life, like school and work.

A 2022 study found that kids between the ages of 9 and 13 who were involved in team sports were less likely to have signs of anxiety, depression, withdrawal, social problems, and attention problems. Additionally, they were more likely to excel in social situations compared to peers who did not engage in healthy competition.

November kids, you may have had to prove yourself within your family, but competing with your siblings and cousins was actually a gift!


If your birth month is December, you may have felt a lack of support in your family. Members of the family may have looked out for themselves rather than helping one another, explained Letai.

It’s possible that this was a subjective experience, however. December babies are known to be naturally independent go-getters, and it’s possible your personality lent itself to you in providing support for others.

The fact is, December babies are natural leaders, and they always seem self-sufficient and self-assured. Knowing this, it’s important that if you need help or just a shoulder to cry on, you ask for it!

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