BREAKING: Experts Call For Restructuring Of Education System In Nigeria

Education experts Have called for the restructuring of Nigeria’s education system, so as to be in line with global trend, where emphasis is laid on the knowledge students acquired and what they can do with it. Addressing these aspects they say is crucial for transforming Nigeria’s education system to meet contemporary needs and prepare students for the future.....KINDLY READ THE FULL STORY HERE▶

The quality of a country’s educational system plays a great role on security and economic growth.

As the country navigates the complexities of the modern world it must equip its students with skills and knowledge they need to thrive.

At this education conference of the institute of educational leadership practitioners of Nigeria, speakers highlight the dangers of not evolving to meet the latest trend.

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They want the education sector to rethink the traditional educational models and embrace innovative methods of teaching that are responsive to the needs of today’s learners.

They believe that harnessing innovative method of teaching will not only impact on the future of the students but also the leadership of the nation.

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Institute of Educational Leadership Practitioners of Nigeria is a professional body that equips leaders in training, research & mentoring across educational institutions both within Nigeria and beyond, and also advise on government decisions on education.

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