6 Signs That A Woman Has Lost Respect For Her Husband

THERE are some telltale signs if a woman has lost respect for you as her husband, they are often embedded in subtle behaviours. Here are six ways to tell if a woman has lost respect for you as her husband.......CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE>>>>>
The power of body language
If a woman constantly avoids eye contact or turns her body away from you during conversations, that’s a sign.
She gives the silent treatment
Silence can be a powerful tool in communication. It can speak volumes about what a person is feeling, especially when words fail to do so and tell that a woman has lost respect for her husband.
Lack of interest in your life
When a woman loses respect for you as her man, you’ll notice a marked decrease in her engagement with your life.
She disregards Opinions
When a woman starts making decisions without considering the opinion of her husband or blatantly disregards his advice. It’s as if she no longer sees him as a partner whose views matter.
Not willing to invest in the relationship
Relationships are about give and take. They require effort, time, and emotional investment from both parties. But when she starts pulling back, it’s a clear indication that her respect for you has dwindled.
She becomes more independent
When a woman starts becoming noticeably more independent in your relationship, it might be a sign that she’s lost respect for you as her man.