5 Talking Stage Red Flags You Should Never Ignore


Will this talking stage blossom into a relationship, or should you end it? If you are looking for signs that your talking stage is headed somewhere, read on.......CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE>>>>>

A talking stage is a lull before the relationship becomes a committed one. You are just talking, spending time with each other, and checking each other out. What are some blatant red flags that you need to pay attention to in the talking stage?

1. They are always busy

Even if they spend all their day saving lives, they should never be too busy for you. This is the stage where you both want to talk and get to know each other.

If they don’t talk to you often and their excuse is that they are busy, just know they are not interested. We are on our phones almost all the time, and if he or she can’t pick up the phone to call or reply to your texts, jump ship immediately. Disembark!

2. They are inconsistent

One day they are hot, and the next day they are cold. You don’t even know if they like you or not. Today they call you for hours, but you don’t hear from them for the next two days. You can tell them how you notice they are inconsistent, if they don’t change but make a lot of excuses, just leave them alone.

3. Your conversations are boring

The ability to have fun and interesting conversations is so important. They should be your friends first in the talking stage.

The conversations goes like “Hey” “How are you?” “Fine” “Have you eaten?” and you have nothing else to say. When conversations are boring, it’s a sign there is a huge lack of compatibility.

4. They come on strong sexually too soon

The sexual attraction between the two of you is important, but if that is the driving point of your interactions with each other, then you need to jump ship. If, on the first interaction, they are solely focused on having sex with you, the most likely thing is that it’s only sex they are interested in. Plus, introducing sex so early might cloud your judgment; if the sex is so good, you might ignore the other red flags.

5. Everyone else is a villain in their story

When they talk about their exes or family and friends, is everyone else wrong and they are perfect? This is a sign that they lack emotional intelligence and evade responsibility. Be on the lookout for people who talk about how good they are; this is a form of emotional manipulation. Look at how they treat others, like drivers and waiters-are they always complaining?

Don’t forget that ignoring these red flags won’t make them go away and might cause you more trauma and heartbreak.
