10 Body Signs That Can’t Be Ignored


Your body has a way of communicating with you, and it’s important that you pay attention to what it’s trying to tell you. One way to do this is to pay attention to the signs it gives you, such as shifts in the color of your body parts or unusual feelings and desires.......CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE>>>>>

1. Pink feet

Foot lotion manufacturers sometimes claim that you would have “baby feet.” However, if your feet are very pink and the skin is thin and wrinkled, you can get a blood test to determine your blood sugar levels. This symptom may be a sign of a metabolic disorder, such as diabetes.

2. Hugging sensation

Hugging isn’t always fun. If you ever feel as if someone is tightly squeezing you or tying you up around the waist, body, or legs, you should get a few tests done to rule out the possibility of multiple sclerosis. You can also experience painful sensations in your arms and legs, as though you are wearing gloves or wearing heavy shoes. The sensation can range from annoying to extremely painful, but you should pay attention to it regardless.

The doctor you should see: neurologist.

3. Thinning eyebrows

If your brows are getting thinner, you should see a doctor and get your thyroid tested. This may be one of the hypothyroidism symptoms.

The doctor you should see: endocrinologist.

4. Swollen toes

You should see a doctor if your toes resemble sausages and you have smooth skin, no irritation, and no scratching. This symptom could indicate the presence of psoriatic arthritis.

The doctor you should see: dermatologist; rheumatologist.

5. Loss of appetite

It’s not a blessing from the health gods if you don’t want to feed. If you’ve suddenly lost your appetite and noticed that you’re losing weight, it may be a sign of a metabolic problem. If you have acid reflux as well, you might have gastroesophageal reflux disease.

The doctor you should see: gastroenterologist.

6. Itchy skin

If you find that your skin is itchy, it may be a sign that you have diabetes. But, before you go to the hospital, examine the itch: it may be the result of an insect bite or an allergic reaction to a new lotion or a cheap cloth. If none of these explanations suit your itch, you should see a doctor for a checkup.

the doctor you should see: endocrinologist

7. Intolerance of being inside

If you’re one of those people who still asks for the windows to be opened in public transportation or at home because it’s far easier to breathe outside than it is at home or at work, you should get your heart checked to rule out the possibility of cardiac failure. Hypothyroidism is associated with this symptom, so the thyroid will need to be checked as well.

The doctor you should see: cardiologist, endocrinologist.

8. Intolerance of open windows

Even if it’s summer, you can always get your thyroid tested if you’re cold. Your body could be deficient in iodine, which may contribute to hypothyroidism.

The doctor you should see: endocrinologist.

9. Sudden onset of kleptomania

Dementia may start with a sudden lack of understanding of the law and a desire to steal something small, even though you can easily pay for it. Unfortunately, few people are willing to accept they have a problem and seek assistance. As a result, we should pay more attention to our family members, especially the elderly.

The doctor you should see: therapist; neurologist; psychiatrist.

10. Changes in your nails

If you note that your nails are changing shape and getting thicker and longer, it may be a sign that you have a heart condition. However, keep in mind that nail clubbing is not a disease in and of itself; it is merely a sign of a pathological process in your body that can be caused by a variety of diseases, so you should have a thorough inspection.
