Is Bitter Kola Safe For People With High Blood Pressure?

Garcinia kola, also known as bitter kola, is a nut native to Africa that has been used for the treatment of local ailments for a very long time. It has been associated with a variety of health benefits, one of which is a reduction in the individual’s blood pressure. However, not enough research has been done to determine whether or not bitter kola is safe for hypertensive patients.......CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE>>>>>
Flavonoids, which can be found in high concentrations in bitter kola, have been associated with a number of health advantages, including the reduction of inflammation, the scavenging of free radicals, and the prevention of cancer.
This food also contains a high concentration of caffeine, which speeds up the body’s metabolic rate and elevates the blood pressure. Those who have hypertension should steer clear of doing this because it may cause a momentary drop in blood pressure, but it also prompts an acceleration in the beating of the heart.
According to WebMD, in 2010, research suggesting that bitter kola extract lowered blood pressure in hypertensive rats was published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology. As the research was conducted on animals, it is not yet known whether the findings are applicable to human beings in the same way. In addition to that, the trial made use of an amount of bitter kola extract that could be considered to be dangerous.
According to the findings of another investigation that was published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology in the year 2002, bitter kola has the ability to reduce blood viscosity. People who have hypertension may benefit from this because it lowers the risk of blood clots forming in their bodies. [Citation needed] [Citation needed] Bitter kola should not be taken by anyone who is currently on blood-thinning medication due to the potential for harmful drug interactions and unpleasant outcomes, such as an increase in the amount of bleeding that occurs.
Since the effects of bitter kola on hypertension have only been investigated in a very small number of trials, additional research is required to determine whether or not it is safe for people who suffer from hypertension. It is essential that you are aware that bitter kola is not intended to serve as a replacement for your usual medication for blood pressure. Bitter kola has the potential to interfere with other medications; as a result, individuals who are currently being treated for high blood pressure should discuss its use with their physician before beginning to take it.
However, preliminary findings suggest that bitter kola may have some potential benefits for patients who have high blood pressure. More research is required to determine the safety and efficacy of bitter kola for patients who have high blood pressure. Even though some studies have shown that bitter kola can lower blood pressure, this remedy should not be used in place of standard medical treatment. Bitter kola can cause serious side effects. Bitter kola may have the potential to interfere with medications that are used to treat high blood pressure; therefore, it is best to acquire approval from your physician before beginning treatment if this is the case.
A healthy blood pressure can be achieved by following a healthy lifestyle, eating well, and taking medication as directed by a physician. All of these factors, in combination, can lower blood pressure.